Lakes Entrance Tyre Service is an Authorised Tough Dog distributor.
Tough Dog transforms your vehicle with multiple shock and spring options to fine tune your vehicles suspension.
Tough Dog products are specifically designed to give you a complete suspension solution for off-road clearance, ride quality and load carrying capabilities.
The allowable payload on most modern 4WDs seems great on paper, but gets quickly eaten up when accessories, gear and passengers get loaded in.
Remaining under the vehicles Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) can seem like an impossible feat.
Tough Dog Suspension is a recognised Second Stage Manufacturer (SSM) which allows us to develop and federally certify components to increase your vehicle’s GVM. Maximise your allowable payload without risking your roadworthiness!
Each complete GVM kit has been extensively tested to ensure ADR compliance is maintained.
GVM Upgrades
Tough Dog GVM upgrades allow a vehicle to be certified to carry a greater amount than the original manufacturer, without breaching applicable ADRs or laws.